Thursday 22 September 2016


During 2021-2023 this Blog is undergoing a major revision. This process will continue into 2024. It has doubled in size and includes many new people, additional information about known relatives, more images, many corrections to the text and more diagrams for each family showing how they fit into the 'big picture'. The main family branches have been regrouped into a simpler format and the numbering system used for chapters is being revamped to incorporate all the extra information with the addition of  'empty' chapters for possible future expansion.
For this edition I have not included as many extracts from primary documents, because these tend to make the blog overly long and slow to load. Most of these are easily found on or other family history websites. I have however kept copies of documents that are harder to find or that are unavailable on the web. I have also included more diagrams (with extra details) showing  how members of families were related to each other in the family tree.

EDITION 4: 2021-2023

The family tree is very long and detailed and at first glance appears to be a long list of repetitive names and dates, but within these pages there are some remarkable, courageous and even infamous tales. Here are some hints about some of the stories hidden among the mass of detail;
  • Long lives, and sadly, many very short lives.
  • Everyday people who lived their lives as best they could, often under very trying circumstances including deadly infectious diseases, crop failures, a disastrous fire and occasional flood.
  • Great tragedy and probably great joy; but you have to use your imagination to see the latter.
  • Multiple marriages, separations, a bigamist and people disappearing for years.
  • Women who bore ten or more children (often one every two years) and raised, fed and cared for them; sometimes by themselves without the support of a ‘breadwinner’.
  • Soldiers, including some who made the ultimate sacrifice and never returned home.
  • Children born into poverty who made lives for themselves against the odds.
  • Migrants who made long trips in rickety sailing ships, across treacherous oceans in attempts to create a new life in relatively unknown lands including Australia, Jamaica, North America and in one case Malaysia.
  • Pioneers and settlers who arrived in the early days of the Colonies of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. Members of the extended family tree were some of the earliest settlers in Hobart, Adelaide, Melbourne, central Victoria and parts of NSW. They helped build many rural communities and some left their mark as shire councillors, mayors and J.P's.
  • Fortunes, businesses and farms built from scratch. Some of the properties they built or occupied, still exist today.
  • Wealthy relatives who owned grand houses, large properties and employed servants. Some people in our direct line were beneficiaries who shared inheritances; including one with a total value over £30 million pounds in today's money.The latter was well documented in newspapers at the time.
  • Many relatives in the extended family tree were involved in court cases; as either witnesses or sometimes 'the accused'! In the dozens of trials cited, many involved bankruptcies, but others were to do with assault and other crimes including a highway robbery and a murder.
  • Seekers of gold who caught ‘yellow fever’ as they sought to 'strike it rich'.
  • Humble occupations such as servants, labourers and a milkman, unexpected ones including ‘bookbinders’, jockeys, coal mine and ship owners and flour millers, as well as farmers, merchants, engine drivers, grocers, carpenters, builders, plasterers, preachers and a sprinkling of publicans.
  • At least one direct ancestor was the focus of a museum display. A grandnephew of another relative, became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. A third relative played a role in helping Bonnie Prince Charlie's army retreat, ahead of the advancing British army. If not for his actions, Scottish history may have played out differently!


This Family Tree is the result of extensive research of records and other family trees that are available on the web. It is quite complex and at first glance can be very confusing. This is especially so, as it was very common for children to be named after their parents, sometimes resulting in two or three people having the same name and born in the same place. Therefore a date of birth/baptism is often given after the name and the maiden name and previous married names are also given for women. Names of direct relatives are in bold and underlined. If you are interested, I can provide diagrams showing how different people fit into the various branches of the tree, which is a useful tool to see how it all fits together.
Part of the motivation for writing this family tree was to make sense of the facts. The style used goes further than a list of people, places and dates of birth, marriage and death. I have tried to dig a bit deeper and have attempted to link the facts into a story of each person, showing social and family events that influenced the direction of their lives.
The Family Tree is divided into seven “Parts” which cover each of the main ancestral names that have records available. Each of these parts is now divided into 'sub-parts' showing the ancestors of both partners in each generation where that information is available. Although the emphasis is on direct ancestors, also listed are all known siblings of ancestors and occasionally other people who had a close association with the family. As the same event often happened to several people (e.g. a family moving house), this event is repeated under each person’s name, so that an individual’s ‘life story’ can be seen in full and in context.
Some records are available that go back further than I have gone, but as they cannot be crosschecked, they are less reliable, and at this stage have been left out.

Where Do We Come From?
Our Smith family principally has its roots in southern England in the hamlets of West Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire, in northern England around Newcastle Upon Tyne and in Southern Scotland in the counties of Perthshire, Stirlingshire and Ayrshire
Summary of Surnames of direct relatives in the family tree.
Surnames of direct relatives include Aitken, Bayley, Bird, Booth, Brown, Budseer, Cole, Collins, Cook, Cunningham, Forrester, Graham, Innes, Johnson, Macfarlane, Muir, Napier, Ramshey, Shaw, Smith, Stewart, Tindale, Vasey and Wilson.

Diagrams showing members of each family in our Tree have been added to Blog entries to make it easier to see where individuals fit into the total 'picture'. Email if you would like a copy of these in a larger format. The diagram below shows direct ancestors only. Since it was published research has revealed many more ancestors and it will be updated in due course. In the meantime explore Parts 1 to 7 of the blog to find all known ancestors.

1. Birth dates given are often actually baptism dates, which usually (but not always) took place within a few months of the birth. b1800 = either born or baptised in 1800. Birth dates help identify people with the same name.
2. Ages given in the annual census were sometimes rounded to down the nearest 5 which explains some inconsistencies. Also at times, some people have understated their age and in some documents ages were recorded incorrectly.
3. Direct relatives are in bold print and have a prefix. GGF= Great Grandfather GGGP= Great Great Grand Parent which relates to our generation. (An extra ‘G’ will need to be added for the next generation).
4. Place of Birth (e.g b1800 Port of Menteith) people variously gave either the name of the local hamlet, the name of the locality (eg farm or manor) or a nearby town which explains some inconsistencies. Some of the streets/localities mentioned no longer exist.
5. Distances are measured in miles (m) in the UK and kilometres (km) in Australia.
6. Other abbreviations: EBI=English Birth Index, ABI = Australian Birth Index, EMI= English Marriage Index, EDI = English Death Index, Vic BDM=Victorian Births, Deaths & Marriages and AER = Australian Electoral Roll, ag lab= agricultural labourer
7. Spelling variations of names and places in official records was very common eg Bayley/Bailey, Macfarlane/Macfarlan
8. The numbers used in chapters and subheadings are used to list all children in their order of birth. e.g. 8.10 is the tenth child in that family. Letter sufixes (e.g. 8.3a) are used for notes about descendants of that person or further notes about their lives.


This Family Tree is a work in progress. Additional information will be added in future, when it becomes available, and errors will be corrected. Check back for updates from time to time. Additional information including digital copies of newspaper cuttings, memories, photographs and other documents are welcome. Please send these, or suggested corrections to Andrew and Heather at or ask for other contact details.


Many of our earliest known ancestors were born in the 1700's. Life was very different then and for those that could read, the headlines were different too. Here is a brief timeline to help place our ancestors in the context of world events.

  • 1707 Scotland and England became the United Kingdom of Great Britain on May 1.
  • 1712 The power of steam started to revolutionise industry and transport.
  • 1714 Some religious conservatives feared the consequences if people were left free to choose their religion
  • 1746 Jacobite risings ended in defeat at the Battle of Culloden in Scotland. 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' escaped back to France and thousands of supporters and sympathizers were executed, jailed or transported.
  • 1750 Around 60,000 slaves exported from Africa per year over the next fifty years.
  • 1770 James Cook sailed to Australia.
  • 1773 Boston Tea Party followed by the American War of Independence
  • 1778 France declared war on Britain.
  • 1788 Britain's prisons were overcrowded. The 'First Fleet' established the Colony of New South Wales.
  • 1790 Executing women for treason by burning them at the stake was abolished in England.
  • 1793 Louis XVI was executed and France proclaimed a republic.
  • 1800 England's population of 5 million in 1720 increased to around 9 million.
  • 1800 Britain became an industrial power. Average life expectancy was around 40. Although many members of our family died young, especially as infants, the majority made it to middle age and many survived into their sixties and beyond.
  • 1800's A fictional "better-off" family drank water that had a cow taste, because its source was a country brook. Meat was rare. Dental care was poor and people ate with wooden spoons. Candles were rarely used because they cost too much. Children slept two (or more) to a bed on straw mattresses. 
  • By the early 1800's more people were learning to read, especially in Scotland and England, but the bulk of the population were illiterate and could not sign their names. Interestingly, most members of our family tree were literate and could sign their names. Many of their signatures are shown in the blog.



(Direct Ancestors in Bold)

2023 Update in progress.
Chapter names & numbers will align with rest of text body after update completed



1.0 Ancestors of GGGGGF John Smith (1745-1840)
1.1 Diagram 1 showing the Earliest Members of our Smith Family
1.2 GGGGGGP William Smith (1711-1774) & Ann Carter (1714-1778)
1.3 Diagram 2 Children of  GGGGGGP William Smith (1711-1774) & Ann Carter (1714-1778)
2.0 Thirteen Children of  GGGGGGP William Smith (1711-1774) & Ann Carter (1714-1778)
2.1 William Smith (1735-?)
2.2 Ann Smith (1736-1802)
2.3 Richard Smith (1737-1739)
3.4 James Smith (1739-?)
2.5 Richard Smith (1741-1810)
2.6 Mary Smith (1743-?)
2.7 GGGGGF John Smith (1745-1840)
2.8 Hannah Smith (1747-1843)
2.9 Lydia Smith (1748-?)
2.10 Anthony Smith (1752-?)
2.11 Benjamin Smith (1755-?)
2.12 Elias Smith (1757-?)
2.13 Dinah Smith 1759-1833)

3.0 GGGGGP John Smith (1745-1840) 
3.1 GGGGGP John Smith (1745-1840) 1st marriage to Mary Chase (1744-1775)
3.2 Diagram 3 Showing John Smith's Two Wives, their Ancestors & their children

4.0 Six children of GGGGGP John Smith (1748-1840) & Mary Chase (1744-1775)
4.1 Mary Smith (1766-1846)
4.2 Dinah Smith (1768-1855)
4.3 John Smith (1769-1837)
    4.3a John Smith (1765-1846) & Hannah Stevens (1773-1842) Not Related
4.4 Richard Smith (1771-1833)
    4.4a James Smith (1794-?) possible son of Richard b1771 & Jane Smith
    4.4b James Smith (1793-1878) b. Selborne 
    4.4c James Smith (1801-1867) b.Bramshott & married Celia Collyer
4.5 Ann Smith (1772-1849)
    4.5a Six Children of  Ann Smith (1772-1849) & Isaac Jacob (1774-1866)
4.6 Lydia Smith (1775-1775)
5.0 GGGGGM Judith Bayley (1748-1822) & her Ancestors
5.1 GGGGGGP Robert Bayley (c.1705-?) & Grace Young (1709-?)  
5.2 GGGGGGGP John Young (1675-1752) & Eleanor Heather (1676-?)
5.3 GGGGGGGGP Henry Young (c1640-?) & Mary Holden (c1646-?)

6.0 GGGGGF John Smith's (1745-1840) 2nd Marriage to Judith Bayley (1748-1822)
6.1 GGGGGF John Smith's Will
6.2 Chase Farm, Tulls Lane, Standford
7.0 Five Children of GGGGGP John Smith (1745-1840)Judith Bayley (1748-1822)
7.1 GGGGF Eli Smith (1781-1868)

7.2 Lydia Smith (1783-1853)
7.3 Anthony Smith (1784-1816)
7.4 Sophia Smith (1788-1866)
7.5 George Smith (1789-1865) 
8.0 GGGGF Eli Smith (1781-1868)
8.1 GGGGF Eli Smith's first Family
8.2 GGGGF Eli Smith's second Family
8.3 Headley Riots
8.4 Eli Smith's Life at Hatch Farm, Standford
8.5 Eli Smith's Life at  Selham Farm, West Sussex 
8.6 Diagram 4 Showing Eli Smith's Two Wives & their children
9.0 Smith Family Properties in Hampshire & Sussex
9.1 Greatham Mill
9.2 The Headley Area
9.3 Chase Farm, Tulls Lane, Standford
9.4 Hatch Farm, Tulls Lane Standford
9.5 Hatch House Farm, Headley Rd., Lindford
9.6 Mills Around Headley
9.7 Selham Farm, West Sussex (After GGGGF Eli Smith's death)
9.8 Selham Manor Farm in Recent Times

10.0 Chandler, Cole & Smith Families. How were they related?
10.1 Diagram 5 Showing Links between Coles & Chandler Families
10.2 Thomas Chandler (1748-1814) & Hannah Cole (1745-1823)
10.3 Charles Chandler (1817-1895) & Eliza Barnett
10.4 Charles Chandler (1819-1891) shoemaker & Harriet Blanchard
10.5 The Warren Family from Devon

11.0 GGGGM Elizabeth Cole (1795-1816)
11.1 GGGGGP William Cole (1752-1813) & Mary Purchase (1757-1812)
11.2  Diagram 6 Showing Elizabeth Cole, her Ancestors & her Siblings
12.0 Six Children of  GGGGGP William Cole (1752-1813) & Mary Purchase (1757-1812)
12.1 William Smith Cole (1781-1830)
12.2 Mary Cole (1786-?)
12.3 Jane Cole (1788-1856) married John Tull
12.4 Sarah Cole (1791-1842) married Thomas Pink
    12.4a Four sons of Thomas & Sarah Cole nee Pink (1791-1842)
12.5 James Cole (1795-?)
12.6 GGGGM Elizabeth Cole (1796-1816)

13.0 Eleven Children of GGGGF Eli Smith (1781-1868) from two Marriages
13.1 GGGF Anthony Smith (1816-1878)
13.2 Caroline Smith (1821-1903)
13.3 Jane Smith (1822-1902)
   13.3a Children of Henry and Jane Tice nee Smith
13.4 William Smith (1824-1875)
    13.4a Barnett & Smith Families of Headley
    13.5b John Barrett or John Barnett?
13.5 John Smith (1826-1900)
13.6 Emma Smith (1828-1911)
13.7 Alfred Eli Smith (1830-1880)
   13.7a Alfred Eli Smith (1830-1880) returned to England
13.8 Eli Smith jnr (1832-1909)
13.9 Elizabeth (Lizzie) Smith (1834-1921)
13.10 George Smith (1836-1836)
13.11 Mary Anne Smith (1837-1927)

14.0 GGGF Anthony Smith (1816-1878)
14.1 Migration to South Australia
14.2 Marriage to GGGM Charlotte Elizabeth Collins (1818-1881)
14.3 Life in Adelaide 1837-1840
14.4 Anthony's First Farm in South Australia
14.5 Anthony's Return Trip to England from 1846 to 1848
14.6 Excerpts from GGGF Anthony's Diary 1846-1848
14.6a Some of the People Mentioned in the Diary
14.7 GGGF Anthony's Return to South Australia 1848
14.8 GGGP Anthony & Charlotte's Move to Victoria
14.9 Smythesdale
14.10 GGGP Anthony & Charlotte move to Ballarat East
14.11 Magpie St, Ballarat East (Golden Point)
14.12 Anthony's Diary & Letters
14.11 Diagram 7 Showing Anthony & Charlotte Smith & their descendants

15.0 Eleven Children of GGGP Anthony Smith (1816-1878) & Charlotte Eliz. Collins (1818-1881)
15.1 Elizabeth Smith (1840-1874)
15.2 Jane Smith (1843–1913)
15.3 Mary Smith (1844-1927)
15.4 John Smith (1846-1847)
15.5 Caroline Smith (1850-1853)
15.6 GGF Elijah Smith (1852-1925)
15.7 Emma Cole Smith (1854-1856)
15.8 William Alfred Smith (1856-1861)
15.9  Eva Cole Smith (1859-1947)
15.10 Marion Collins Smith (1861-1947)
15.11 Alice Burnett Smith (1864-1961)

16.0 GGP Elijah Smith (1852-1925) & Margaret Allan Cunningham Macfarlane (1859-1926)
16.1 Elijah's Early Life
16.2 Elijah's move to Melbourne
16.3 Elijah & Margaret's Married Life
16.4 Death of GGM Margaret's father (GGGF Alexander Mcfarlan 1825-1909)
16.5 GGF Elijah Smith's Will
16.6 GGM Margaret Allan Macfarlan Smith's Will

17.0 Seven Children of GGP Elijah Smith (1852-1925) & Margaret Allan Macfarlane (1859-1926)
17.1 Edith Maude Macfarlane Smith (1877-1878)
17.2 GF Alexander Hubert Smith (1880-1964)
17.3 Arthur Lionel Smith (1882-1883)
17.4 Olive Muriel Smith (1884-1975)
17.5 Clarence Dudley Smith (1887-1953)
17.6 Leslie Gordon Smith (1890-1933)
17.7 Marguerite Adelaide Smith (1893-1979)

18.0 GP Alexander Hubert Smith (1880-1964) & Elizabeth May Brown (1881-1953)
18.1 The Selwyn Smiths (Not related)

19.0 Two Children of GP Alexander Hubert Smith (1880-1964) & Elizabeth May Brown (1881-1953)

20.0 Diagram 8 Showing Smith Ancestors from 1750-2000
21.0 - 22.0 Reserved for Future use


23.0 GM Elizabeth May Brown (1879-1953)
23.1 Diagram 1 showing the Later Brown Tree covering years 1800 to 2000

24.0 Ancestors of GM Elizabeth May Brown (1879-1953)
24.1 GGF Richard Vasey Brown (1828-1913)
24.2 GGP Richard Vasey Brown (1828-1913) & Janet Stewart (1845-1917)

25.0 Eleven Children of GGP Richard Vasey Brown (1828-1913) & Janet Stewart (1845-1917)
25.1 Richard Vasey Brown junior (1871-1941)
25.2 John Brown (1872-1878)
25.3 Henry Stewart Brown (1875-1954)
    25.3a Children of Henry Stewart Brown & Elizabeth Jane James
25.4 Janet Stewart Brown (1877-1949)
25.5 GM Elizabeth May Brown (1881-1953)
25.6 Duncan Muir Brown (1880-1882)
25.7 Edwin [Ted] Douglas Brown (1882-1937)
25.8 Herbert [Bert] Duncan Brown (1883-1917)
25.9 Duncan Muir Brown (1885-1886) Second child with that name
25.10 Kate Muir Brown (1886-1951)
25.11 James [Jim] Allen Brown (1889-1960)

26.0 GGGF Richard Vasey Brown (1804-1855)
26.1 GGGM Elizabeth Booth (1798-1876)
26.2 GGGGP John Booth (1766-1833) & Ann Briggs (1773-1846)
26.3 GGGGGP John Briggs (1727-1785) & Mary Clark (1738-1801)

27.0 Five Children of GGGP Richard Vasey Brown (1804-1855) & Elizabeth Booth (1798-1876)
27.1 GGF Richard Vasey Brown (1828-1913)
27.2 Elizabeth Brown (1831-1911) later Rohsburn
27.3 Sarah Jane Brown (1832-1914) later Bland & Ferguson
27.4 Maria Brown (1834-1922) later Clark
27.5 Frances "Fanny" Brown (1838-1912) later Perry & Clyne
27.5a Walter Perry (1843-1902)

28.0 GGGGP William Brown (1775-1832) & Sarah Vasey (1778-1844)

29.0 Seven Children of GGGGP William Brown (1775-1832) & Sarah Vasey (1778-1844)
29.1 Thomas Brown (1798-1868)
29.2 Ann Brown (1800-?)
29.3 GGGF Richard Vasey Brown (1804-1855)
29.4 William Tindale Brown (1806-1837)
29.5 Emerson Charnley Brown (1808-1809)
29.6 Emerson Charnley Brown (1810-1851)
29.7 George Ernest Brown (1822-1888)

30.0 GGGGGP Thomas Brown (1747-1822) & Ann Tindale (1749-1824)
30.1 William Charnley (1727-1803)
30.2 GGGGGM Ann Tindale (1746-1824)
31.0 Tindale & Jobson Ancestors
31.1 Diagram 2 showing Tindale & Jobson Ancestors
31.2 GGGGGGP John Tindale (1724-1786) & Mary Jobson (1723-1756)
31.3 GGGGGGGP Robert Jobson (c1700-1774) & Jane Davison (1701-1768)
31.4 Five Children of GGGGGGGP Robert Jobson (c1700-1774) & Jane Davison (1701-1768)
32.0 Nine Children of GGGGGP Thomas Brown (1747-1822) & Ann Tindale (1746-1824)
32.1 GGGGF William Brown (1775-1832)
32.2 Ann Brown (1776-1786)
32.3 Unknown Child (c1778-c1778)
32.4 John Brown (1781-1781)
32.5 Margaret Brown (1783-1786)
32.6 Ann Brown (1786-1853) later Nicholson
32.7 Margaret Brown (1787-?)
32.8 Thomas Brown (1789-1862)
32.9 Elizabeth Brown (1792-1794)

33.0 GGGGGGP William Brown (1704-1771) & Margaret Wales (1713-1757)
33.1 Adult Children of GGGGGGP William Brown (1704-1771) & Margaret Wales (1713-1757)

34.0 GGGGGGGP Richard Brown (c1675-1763) & Margaret French (c1678-1769)

35.0 Diagram 3 Showing Early Brown, Tindale, Jobson & Wales Ancestors

Wales Family Tree

36.0 GGGGGGGP Robert Wales (c1680-1744) & Ann Longridge (1683-c1717
36.1 GGGGGGGF Robert Wales (c1680-1744) & Bridget Wheldon (1697-?)
36.2 Fourteen Children of Robert Wales (c1680-1744) from two marriages
37.0 GGGGGGGGP William Wales (c1645-1718) & Ann Whetstone (c1755-?)
38.0 Reserved for Future Use

Vasey Family Tree

39.0 Vasey families living in Hamsterley
39.1 Diagram 4 showing the Vasey Family Tree
39.2 Historical Note
39.2 Other Historical records

40.0 GGGGM Sarah Vasey (1788-1844)
40.1 GGGGGP Richard Vasey (1741-1792) & Margaret Ramshaw (1752-1791)
40.2 Pool Tree Farm

41.0 Thirteen Children of GGGGGP Richard Vasey (1741-1792) & two wives
41.1 Thomas Vasey (1766-1849)
41.2 Ralph Vasey (1767-1814)
41.3 Ann Vasey (1769-?) later Fawcett
41.4 Richard Vasey (c1770-1777)
41.5 John Vasey (1772-c1775)
41.6 Mary Vasey (1774-c1775)
41.7 Lucy Vasey (1776-c1847)
41.8 GGGGM Sarah Vasey (1778-1844)
41.9 Richard Vasey (1780-?)
41.10 William Vasey (1783-1853)
41.11 George Vasey (1785-?)
41.12 Margaret Vasey (1787-1787)
41.13 Margaret Vasey (1790-1790)
42.0 GGGGGGP Ralph Vasey (1711-1746) & Mary Bouser (1704-?)
42.1 GGGGGF Richard Vasey (1741-1792)
42.2 Thomas Vasey (1745-?)

43.0 GGGGGGGP Richard Vasey (1674-1760) & Mary Unknown of Summerhouse

44.0 Five Children of GGGGGGGF Richard Vasey (1674-1760) of Summerhouse
44.1 Richard Vasey of Quarry House (c1705-1767) & Lucy Williamson
44.2 John Vasey of Summerhouse (c1707-1734)
44.3 GGGGGGF Ralph Vasey (c1711-1746) & Mary Bouser
44.4 Mary Vasey later Carter (c1713-1790)
44.5 Isobel Vasey later Snaith (1716-1790)

45.0 Cuthbert Vasey (1679-c1750) Brother of GGGGGGGF Richard Vasey b1674

46.0 Six Children of Cuthbert Vasey (1679-c1750)
46.1 Thomas Vasey of Barnard Castle (c1709-1798)
46.2 William Vasey of St Andrew (c1712-1786)
46.3 Cuthbert Vasey the Elder of Raby Park (1714-1813)
    46.31 Eleven Children of Cuthbert Vasey (1714-1813) & 2 Wives
46.4 Elizabeth Vasey later Gibson of Gainford (c1717-1801)
46.5 George Vasey of Staindrop (1719-c1760)
46.6 John Vasey of Hilton (1721-1796)
    46.61 John Vasey of West Auckland (1754-1819)

47.0 Cuthbert Vasey of Hamsterley, tailor (1751-1823) & Mary Ramshaw (1753-c1785)

48.0-49.0 Reserved for Future Use

Ramshaw/Ramshey Family Tree

50.0 Diagram 5 Showing Ramshaw & Hardy Family Ancestors
51.0 GGGGGGF William Ramshaw (c1711-1765) & Sarah Hardy (1728-1789)
51.1 Ravensford Farm Hamsterley
51.2 Thomas Ramshaw (1724-1770)
51.3 Margaret Ramshaw (1719-?)

52.0 Five Children of GGGGGGP William Ramshaw (c1711-1765) & Sarah Hardy (1728-1789)
52.1 GGGGGM Margaret Ramshaw (1752-1791) later Vasey
52.2 Mary Ramshaw (1753-c1785) later Vasey
52.3 Sarah Ramshaw (1758-?) later Curry
52.4 Ann Ramshaw (1763-c1763)
52.5 William Ramshaw (1765-?)

53.0 GGGGGGGGF William Ramshaw (1655-1727) & Two wives
54.0 Nine Children of  GGGGGGGGP William Ramshaw (1655-1727) & Unknown (c1760-c1792)
54.1 GGGGGGGF Robert Ramshaw (1680-?) & Margaret Emerson (?-?)
54.2 Thomas Ramshaw (1683-?)
54.3 Silas Ramshaw (1685-?)
54.4 Ralph Ramshaw (1688-?)
54.5 Samuel Ramshaw (1691-1777)
54.6 Nathaniel Ramshaw (1693-c1725)
54.7 Dorothy Ramshaw (1696-?)
54.8 Joseph Ramshaw (1699-?)
54.9 Margaret Ramshaw (1701-c1725)

55.0 GGGGGGGF William Hardy (1703-1770) & Mary Clye (c1700-1759)

55.0 Seven Children of GGGGGGGF William Hardy (1703-1770) & Mary Clye (c1700-1759)
55.1 William Hardy (1724-1796)
55.2 John Hardy (1726-1810)
55.3 GGGGGGM Sarah Hardy (1728-1789)
55.4 Margery Hardy (1732-1732)
55.5 Mary Hardy ( 1733-?)
55.6 Margery Hardy (1735-?)
55.7 Ann Hardy (1743-?)

56.0 - 59.0 Reserved for Future Use
60.0 Ancestors of GGGM Charlotte Elizabeth Collins (1818-1881)
60.1 St Mary's Church, Lambeth
60.2 Diagram 1 showing the Later Collins Tree

61.0 GGGGP William Collins (1795-1878) & Charlotte Elizabeth Bird (1794-1884)
61.1 Arrival in Van Dieman's Land
61.2 Life in Hobart
61.3 Sailing to South Australia
61.4 Life in Adelaide
61.5 William's Religious Connections
61.6 More Court Appearances
61.7 GGGGF William Collins' Woes Begin
61.8 The Move to Belalie

62.0 Nine Children of GGGGP William Collins (1795-1878) & Charlotte Elizabeth Bird (1794-1884)
62.1 GGGM Charlotte Elizabeth Collins (1818-1881)
62.2 William Henry Collins (1820-1829)
62.3 Christopher John Collins (1822-1886)
62.4 Joshua Alfred Collins (1825-1848)
62.5 Mary Ann Collins (1827-1876)
62.6 Caroline Sarah Collins (1829-1884)
62.7 William Saunders Cook Collins (1831-1922)
62.8 George Miles Collins (1833-1902)
62.9 Sophia Collins (1836-1866)

63.0 GGGGGP Saunders Cook Collins (1770-1828) & Elizabeth Johnson (1773–1847)
63.1 Origins of the Forenames 'Saunders Cook'.
63.2 GGGGGM Elizabeth Johnson (1773–1847) Wife of Saunders Cook Collins
63.3 GGGGGF Saunders Collins' Properties

64.0 Ten Children of GGGGGP Saunders Cook Collins (1770-1828) & Elizabeth Johnson (1773-1847)
64.1 Matthew Collins (1793-c1814)
64.2 GGGGF William Collins (1795-1878)
64.3 John Collins (1798-1802)
64.4 Edmund Collins (1802-1807)
64.5 Elizabeth Collins (1803-1879)
64.6 John Collins (1807-1878) & Ann Maria Dallen (1799-1883) 
64.6a Ann Maria Dallen (1799-1883). Wife of John Collins (1807–1878)
64.6b Elizabeth Ann Collins (1836-1923)
64.7 Ann Collins (1811-1813)
64.8 Henry Collins (1813-1820)
64.9 Matthew Collins (1815-1889)
64.10 Ann Collins (1817-1820)

65.0 Ancestors of GGGGGF Saunders Cook Collins (1770-1828)
65.1 GGGGGGP William Collins (1726-1788) & Ann Unknown (c1729-1788)
65.2 Princes Street or Princes Road
65.3 Diagram 2 Showing the Ancestors of Saunders Cook Collins

66.0 Eleven Children of William Collins (1726-1788) & Ann Unknown
66.1 William Collins (1750-1781)
66.2 Ann Maria Collins (1752-c1759)
66.3 Matthew Collins (1754-1827)
    66.3a Daniel Collins (1755-1844)
66.4 Edmund Collins (1755-1807)
66.5 John Collins (1757-1805)
66.6 Ann Collins (1759-1824)
66.7 George Collins (1761-1793)
66.8 Benjamin Collins (1765-1809)
66.9 Elizabeth Collins(1765-1809)
66.10 Sarah Collins (1768-1769)
66.11 GGGGGF Saunders Cook Collins (1770-1828)

67.0 Ancestors of William Collins (1726-1788)
67.1 John & Daniel Collins, Brothers of William (1726-1788)
67.2 William Collins b1700 & Elizabeth Unknown c1704

68.0 Seven Children of William Collins c1700 & Elizabeth Unknown c1704
68.1 William Collins (1726-1788)
68.2 Daniel Collins (c1727-1771)
68.3 Robert Collins (1728-1760)
68.4 Mary Ann Collins (1731-?)
68.5 Charles Collins (1733-1816)
68.6 John Collins (1734-1796)
68.7 Eleanor Collins (1737-1786)

69.0 Reserved for Future Use
Bird Family Tree
70.0 GGGGGP Christopher Bird (1759-1808) & Elizabeth Henshaw (1757-1828)
70.1 Diagram 3 Showing Descendants of Christopher Bird & Elizabeth Henshaw
71.0 Five Children of GGGGGP Christopher Bird (1759-1808) & Elizabeth Henshaw (1757-1828)
71.1  William Henry Bird (1787-1835)
71.2 Mary Ann Bird (1789-1863)
71.3 GGGM Charlotte Elizabeth Bird (1794-1884)
71.4 Amelia Caroline Bird (1796-1801)
71.5 Christopher John Bird (1799-c1800)
72.0 William Henry Bird (1787-1835) Charlotte's brother

73.0 Ten Children of William Henry Bird (1787-1835) & Sarah Manning (1786-1863)
73.1 Sarah Ann Bird (1810-?)
73.2 Mary Elizabeth Bird (1813-c1813)
73.3 Elizabeth Mary Bird (1850-c1820)
73.4 Amelia Frances Bird (1817-1885)
73.5 Henrietta Hawkins Bird (1820-1897)
73.6 William Henry Manning Bird (1822-1893)
   73.6a William Bird (1822-?) Not Related
73.7 Elizabeth Mary Bird (1824-1897)
73.8 Samuel Christopher Frederick Augustus Bird (1827-1913)
73.9 John Shadrack Bird (1829-1906)
73.10 Edward Thomas Bird (1831-1913)
74.0 Mary Ann Bird (1789-1863) Charlotte's sister
74.1 Mary Ann Bird (1789-1863) & Nicholas Hubble (1794-1864)
75.0 Ten Children of  Mary Ann Bird (1789-1863) & Nicholas Hubble (1794-1864)
75.1 Elizabeth Sarah Hubble (1814-1878)
75.2 William Henry Hubble (1816-1817)
75.3 Mary Ann Hubble (1817-1896)
75.4 Amelia Caroline Hubble (1820-1879)
75.5 William Nicholas Hubble (1833-1823)
75.6 John Hubble (1826-1902)
75.7 Thomas Wait Hubble (1826-1904)
75.8 James Hookham Hubble (1829-1848)
75.9 Christopher Dunmore Hubble (1832-c1832)
75.10 Frances Esther Hubble (1833-1835)

GGGGGGP William Henshaw (1725-1758) & Elizabeth Fox (1728-1788)
77.0 Five Children of GGGGGGP William Henshaw (1725-1758) & Elizabeth Fox (1728-1788)
77.1 Elizabeth Henshaw (1749-1754)
77.2 Hannah Henshaw (1751-1795)
77.3 Ann Henshaw (1753-1806)
77.4 William Henshaw (1755-?)
77.5 GGGGGM Elizabeth Henshaw (1757-1828)

78.0 GGGGGGP John Bird (1726-?) & Sarah Sawyer (1735-?)
78.1 Diagram 4 Showing Early Collins, Bird & Sawyer Family

79.0 Six Children of John Bird (1726-?) & Sarah Sawyer (1735-?)
79.1 John Bird (1753-1816)
79.2 Mary Bird (1755-?)
79.3 Susannah Bird (1756-?)
79.4 GGGGGF Christopher Bird (1759-1808)
79.5 Edward Bird (1761-?)
79.6 William Bird (1763-?)
80.0 GGGGGGGP William Bird (?-?) & Ann Gibbons (c1695-?)
81.0 Parents of William Bird (born 1669 or 1682)
81.1 William Bird (c1655-?) & Eleanor Unknown (c1660-?)
81.2 Thomas Bird (c1635-?) & Martha Unknown (c1639-?)
81.3 Diagram 5 Showing Two Possible Ancestries for GGGGGGGF William Bird

82.0 Another Bird Family Descended from a Common Ancestor
82.1 John Birds born in Cookham
82.2 John Bird (1704-1788) & Ann Sawyer b1705. Not directly related
82.3 Six Children of John Bird b1704 & Ann Sawyer b1705
82.4 John Bird (1662-?) & Ann Matthews (1681-1753)
    82.4a The Will of Ann Bird nee Matthews (1681-1753)
83.0 Thomas Bird & Martha Unknown (c1639-?) Common Ancestors?
83.1 Possible Early Ancestors in the Bird Family
83.2 Diagram 6 Showing Bird Descendants from a Common Ancestor

84.0 Reserved for Future Use
Sawyer Family Tree

85.0 GGGGGGM Sarah Sawyer (1735-?) & Her Parents
85.1 Diagram 7 Showing the Early Sawyer Tree
85.2 Edward Sawyer (1701-?) & Ann Unknown (?-?)
85.3 Thomas Sawyer (1707-?) & Sarah Howlet (1699-?)
85.4 GGGGGGGP Christopher Sawyer  (1703-?) & Elizabeth Aldridge (1703-?)
85.5 Ancestors of GGGGGGGM Elizabeth Aldridge (1703-?)
85.6 William Aldridge (1679-?)

86.0 GGGGGGGGP Edward Sawyer (1679-?) & Sarah Webb (1677-?)
87.0 Ten Children of Edward Sawyer (1679-?) & Sarah Webb (1677-?)
87.1 Frances Sawyer (1697-?)
87.2 Mary Sawyer (1699-?)
87.3 Edward Sawyer (1701-?)
87.4 GGGGGGGF Christopher Sawyer ( 1701-?)
87.5 Ann Sawyer (1705-?)
87.6 Thomas Sawyer ( 1707-?)
87.6a Thomas Sawyer ( 1699-?)
87.7 William Sawyer (1710-1711)
87.8 William Sawyer ( 1712-?)
87.9 Sarah Sawyer (1714-?)
87.10 Richard Sawyer (1716-1781)

88.0 Christopher Sawyer (c1650-? & Frances Unknown (c1650-?)
88.1 Possible Siblings for Christopher Sawyer c1650
88.2 Bubonic Plague & The Great Fire of London
89.0 Reserved for Future Use


90.0 Introduction to the Macfarlane Clan 
90.1 Early Clan History from
90.2 McFarlanes according to the Lamb Family website
90.3 Timeline of Scottish history 1600-1800

91.0 Early Macfarlane Ancestors
91.1 John Macfarlane (1741-?) Baptised at Port of Menteith
91.2 John Macfarlane (1742-1825) Of Carse of Cambus
91.3 John Macfarlane (1743-?) Baptised at Port of Menteith
91.4 John Macfarlane c1743 of unknown parentage 

92.0 Macfarlanes living near Borland from 1600-1800
92.1 Borland Farm (near Thornhill)
92.2 Auchrig (Auchraig, Ackrig, Haughridge also Lettir of Auchraig)
92.3 Port of Menteith
92.4 MCF8 Macfarlanes of Lettir & Auchraig
93.0 GGGGGP John Macfarlane (c1742-c1812) & Katherine Graham (c1747-1828)
93.1 GGGGGM Katherine Graham (c1747-1828)
93.2 Katherine Graham (c1747-1828)
after the death of John
93.3 Katherine Graham's Will
93.4 MCF1 Family of John Macfarlane c1742 & Katherine Graham c1747

94.0 Eleven Children of GGGGGP John Macfarlane c1742 & Katherine Graham c1747
94.1 Catherine Macfarlane (1769-c1770)
94.2 James Macfarlane (1771-1836)
    94.2a Janet Stevenson (1810-1855) Wife of James Macfarlane (1771-1836)
94.3 Margaret/Mary Macfarlane (1772–c1840)
94.4 Isabella Macfarlane (1774–1814)
    94.4a Catherine McQueen later Burns (1814-c1865)
94.5 John Macfarlane (1776-c1776)
94.6 Sarah Macfarlane (1777-c1777)
94.7 Robert Macfarlane (1782-c1840)
94.8 GGGGF John Macfarlane (1785-1830)
94.9 William Macfarlane (1787-1851)
94.10 Agnes Macfarlane (c1788-1859) & Donald Robertson
94.11 Janet Macfarlane (1791-1836)

95.0 William Macfarlane (1787-1851)
95.1 Properties belonging to William Macfarlane
95.2 Later Life of William Macfarlane
95.3 Beneficiaries of William Macfarlane's will
95.4 William Macfarlane's Cousins
    95.4a McRuer Sisters: Catherine, Isabella & Janet
    95.4b Robertson Sisters: Jessie Gordon & Isabella Robertson
95.5 ROB1 Robertson Sisters

96.0 GGGGP John Macfarlane (1785-1830) & Janet Forrester (1791-1841)
96.1 GGGGM Janet Forrester (1791-1841)

97.0 Nine Children of GGGGP John Macfarlan (1785-1830) & Janet Forrester (1791-1841)
97.1 Catherine Macfarlane (1810-?) & the Hardie Family
97.2 John Macfarlane (1812-1853)
97.3 Margaret Macfarlane (1814-1887) & the Fleming Family
97.4 Isobel Macfarlane (1817-c1840)
    97.4a James Burns (1806-1872)
    97.4b Agnes Burns (1840-1901) daughter of Isobel Macfarlan b1817
97.5 Robert Macfarlane (c1819-1845)
97.6 Agnes Macfarlane (1821-1912) & Gilbert Macmillan
97.7 William Macfarlane (1823-Inf)
97.8 GGGF Alexander Macfarlan (1825-1909)
97.9 William Graham Macfarlane (1828-?)

98.0 Catherine Macfarlane (1810-?) & the Hardie Family
98.1 William Hardie (1790-1869) Husband of Catherine Macfarlane (1810-?)

99.0 Eight children of William Hardie (1790-1869) & Catherine Macfarlan (1810-?)
99.1 John Robert Alexander Hardie (1834-1922)
99.2 Isabella Cousen Hardie (1835-1905)
99.3 Agnes McFarlane Hardie (1837-1855)
99.4 William Hardie (1839-1873)
99.5 Catherine (Kate) Macfarlane Hardie (1841-1906)
99.6 Marion Hardie (1845-1879)
99.7 Joseph Arthur Hardie (1849-1927)
99.8 Alexander McFarlane Hardie (1852-1929)

100.0 Margaret Mcfarlane (1814-1887) & the Fleming Family
100.1 Note about Dungog, NSW

101.0 Seven children of Thomas Fleming (1815-1855) & Margaret Mcfarlane (1814-1887)
101.1 Jessie Fleming (1838-1913)
101.2 Elizabeth Fleming (1840-1930)
    101.2a Luggie Bank, NSW. A listed heritage building
101.3 William Fleming (1842-1920)
101.4 Isabella Fleming (1846-1925)
101.5 Margaret Fleming (1848-1930)
101.6 Agnes M Fleming (1853-1879)
101.7 Mary Thomas Fleming (1855-1929)

102.0 Robert Macfarlane (1819-1845)
102.1 Jane Jackson (1828-1916) Robert's Macfarlane's Wife
102.2 Frances Jane McFarlane (1846-1923). Robert & Jane's daughter
102.3 Agnes Jane Robertson (1876-1958) Robert's granddaughter
102.4 Rhoda Kathryn Moyra Jackson (1913-1971) Robert's G.Grand-daughter
102.5 Jamaican beneficiaries of GGGF Alexander's Will 1909
102.6 MCF3 The Jamaican Connection
102.7 Distant Jamaican Relatives
102.8 Jamaican Scots
102.9 Malaysian Connection

103.0 GGGF Alexander Macfarlan (1925-1909)
103.1 GGGF Alexander Macfarlan Sailed to Australia
103.2 GGGP Alexander Macfarlane & Agnes Cunningham (1834-1929)
103.3 GGGF Alexander Macfarlan Returned to the U.K.
103.4 GGGF Alexander Macfarlan's Will
103.5 Comments on Alexander's Will
103.6 Location Timeline for GGGF Alexander Macfarlan

103.7 MCF4 Descendants of Alexander Macfarlan & Agnes Cunningham

104.0 MacFarlanes of Carse of Cambus
104.1 GGGGGGF Robert Macfarlane (c1713-1756) of Cambus
104.2 GGGGGGM Isobel McGibbon (c1720-?)
104.3 GGGGGGP Robert Macfarlane (c1713-1756) & Isobel McGibbon (c1720-?)

104.4 MCF5 Macfarlanes of Carse of Cambus

105.0 Seven Chn of GGGGGGP Robert Macfarlane b1713 & Isobel McGibbon b1720
105.1 GGGGGGM Janet Macfarlane (1740-?) & James Innes

    105.1a Ann Innis (1779-1860)
105.2 John Macfarlane of Cambus (1742-1825)
105.3 Grissel Macfarlane (1745-?)
105.4 Patrick Macfarlane (1749-?)
105.5 Margaret Macfarlane (1752-?)
105.6 Isobel Macfarlane (1754-?)
105.7 Robert Macfarlane (1754-?)

106.0-108.0 For future use

GRAHAM FAMILY & Origins of Dougal & Katherine Graham
109.0 Introduction & General Information

110.0 Drunkie Estate
110.1 GRA1 Grahams of Drunkie
110.2 John Graham of Downance (c1535-c1603)
110.3 George Graham of 1st of Drunkie (c1570-1628)
110.4 Alexander Graham 2nd of Drunkie (1595-?) Son of George c1570
111.0 Three Children of Alexander Graham 2nd of Drunkie (1595-?)
111.1 Isobel Graham of Drunkie (1635-c1696)
111.2 Katherine Graham of Drunkie c1650-c1715 daughter of Alexander
    111.2a Katherine Graham of Drunkie (c1660-c1710) daughter of Katherine c1640
111.3 Walter Graham 3rd of Drunkie (c1655-c1710)

112.0 Two children of Walter Graham of Drunkie (c1655-c1710)
112.1 John Graham of Drunkie (c1680-1754) Son of Walter c1655 & his children
    112.1a Extracts from Testament dative of John  Graham of Drunkie c1680
112.2 Unknown (Isobel?) Graham (c1680-c1720) married Patrick Graham

113.0 Twelve Children of John Graham of Drunkie c1680 & his two wives
113.1 Janet Graham (1704-?)
113.2 Katherine Graham (1705-1771)
113.3 Jean Graham (1706-1748)
113.4 Jenet Graham (1709-1748)
113.5 Margaret Graham (1711-?)
113.6 Captain Walter Graham of Drunkie (1713-1758)
113.7 John Graham (1715-c1735)
113.8 Unnamed Male Child (1717-1717)
113.9 Patrick Graham (1719-c1750)
113.10 John Graham of Drunkie the younger (1748-1802) from 2nd marriage
    113.10a Walter Cairns Graham (c1770-1806)
113.11 Unknown Daughter (1751-?) from 2nd marriage
113.12 Janet Graham (1753-1829) from 2nd marriage

114.0 Reserved for Future Use


115.0 Introduction
115.1 GRA2 Grahams, Bontines & Semples
115.2 Ancestry of Jean Graham (c1662-c1720) & 1st Marriage
115.3 William Bontine 3rd of Milndovan (c1650-c1695)
115.4 Jean Bontine (1683-c1745)
115.5 Robert Bontein of Milndovan (1685-c1750

116.0 Nicol Bontine of 11th of Ardoch (c1641-1715) & 3 Children
116.1 Robert Bontein 12th of Ardoch (c1663-?) Son of Nicol
116.2 William Bontine (c1665-1730) Son of Nicol
    116.2a Nicol Bontine 13th of Ardoch (c1685-1760) Son of William
    116.2b William Bontine (c1790-c1770) of Auchindennan & Ardoch
116.3 Isobel Bontein (c1670-c1650) Daughter of Nicol
116.4 Short History of the Lands of Ardoch

117.0-119.0 Reserved for Future Use

120.0 Grissel Semple (c1630-?)
120.1 Jean Semple c1625-c1680) & three marriages
120.2 Robert Semple (?-1655) & Lady Helen Anderson of Nobleston

121.0 Reserved for Future Use


122.0 Introduction
122.2 Map showing Drunkie, Downance & nearby locations
122.3 Grahams of Downance
122.4 Downance/Dounans/Dunans
122.5 The Earldom of Menteith

123.0 Early Grahams
123.1 Malise Graham, 1st Earl of Menteith (c1407-1490)
123.2 GRA3 Grahams of Downance, Gartmore, Polder, Glenny & Gallangad

124.0 Thomas Graham of Dounans c1500 & Margaret Graham
124.1 Malise Graham (c1530-c1590) in Downance and Aberfoyle
124.2 John Graham of Downance, 1st of Duchray (c1535-1603)

125.0 William Graham 2nd of Polder, Duchray and Glennie (1560-1619)
125.1 Seven Children of William Graham 2nd of Duchray (c1560-1619)
125.2 John Graham 3rd of Duchray & Polder, 1st Gallangad (c1582-c1650)
125.3 Walter Graham 1st of Glenny (1587-1669)
    125.3a Thomas Graham 2nd of Glenny & Inchie (c1622-?) Son of Walter
125.4 Thomas Graham of Duchray (c1595-1649)
    125.4a John Graham (c1620-c1700) of Duchray (Son)
    125.4b Thomas Graham of Duchray (c1640-c1700) (Grandson)

126.0 Children of John Graham 3rd Duchray, 1st Gallangad (c1582-1650)
126.1 Sir William Graham (c1620-1684) 1st of Gartmore including Downance
126.2 Margaret Graham c1618-1670)
126.3 Agnes/Ann Graham (c1625-?)
126.4 Walter Graham of 2nd Gallangad (c1630-1676)

127.0 Two Children of Sir William Graham 1st Gartmore (c1620-1684)
127.1 (Sir) John Graham 2nd of Gartmore (c1645-1708)
127.2 Mary Graham (c1650-c1708)
    127.2a Mary Hodge 3rd of Gartmore (1684-c1750)

128.0 Walter Graham 2nd of Gallangad (c1630-1676) & Descendants
128.1 Robert Graham 3rd of Gallangad, 4th of Gartmore (c1659-c1715)
128.2 Nicol Graham (c1697-1775) 5th of Gartmore & 4th of Gallangad
128.3 Robert Bontine Cunningham Graham (1735-1797) 6th of Gartmore

129.0 Reserved for Future Use


130.0 Ancestors of Dougal Graham of Downance (c1700-c1770)
130.1 Possibility One: Did Dougal descend from John Graham of Downance?
130.2 Possibility Two: Did Dougal descend from the Grahams of Glaschyll & Frenich?
130.3 Possibility Three: Was Dougal Graham a McGregor?
130.4 McGregors at Downance
130.5 McGregors at Dunverig (Parish of Aberfoyle)
130.6 McGregors at Corrie Arklet
130.7 McGregors at Ruskanach

131.0 Dougal Graham (c1700-c1770) of Downance & Katherine Graham (1705-c1770)
131.1 GRA4 Dougal’s Possible Ancestors from Glaschyll
131.2 Patrick Graham of Ledard & Downance (1670-1737)
131.3 Patrick Graham (c1630-c1700) of Calgartbeig
131.4 Gilbert Graham (c1592-c1658) of Glaschyll
131.5 Henry Graham (1710-1760) of Balleich
    131.5a Isobel Graham (1731-c1779) wife of Henry Graham of Balleich
    131.5b Isobel Graham (1758-1838) daughter of Henry & Isobel
131.6 ROB1 Robertson Sisters were cousins to William Macfarlane 1787-1851

132.0 Various George Grahams
132.1 George Graham of Downance (c1540-1613)
132.2 George Graham of Bofreslie (c1600-1665)
132.3 George Graham of Glenny (c1615-1685)
132.4 George Graham of Drymen Parish (c1690-c1780)

133.0 Four Children of Dougal Graham (c1700-c1770) & Katherine Graham (1705-1771)
133.1 Jean Graham (1737-?)
133.2 Margaret Graham (1739-?)
133.3 Walter Graham (c1742-?) & Margaret Macfarlane (1746-?)
133.4 Katherine Graham (c1747-1828) & John Macfarlane c1742
133.5 GRA6 Descendants of Dougal Graham c1700 & Katherine Graham b1705

134.0 Alexander Macfarlane (1705-c1748) & Janet Macfarlane (c1725-?)
134.1 Alexander Macfarlane (1705-c1748) & David Hume Stuart/Stewart of Ballachallan
134.2 David Hume Stewart of Ballachallan, cousin of Walter Graham of Drunkie c1713
134.3 GRA5 Walter Graham & David Hume Stewart were Cousins

135.0 Reserved for future use.
136.0 Introduction
136.1 Sources and Abbreviations
136.2 Location of McGregor Properties
136.3 Map showing locations of McGregor Properties
136.4 McGregor Name Outlawed
136.5 MCG1 McGregor Family Tree

137.0 Duncan McGregor (1585-1662) in Roro
137.1 Gregor McGregor (c1620-c1693) in Dhu of Glengyle

138.0 McGregors at Downance, Dunverig & Brachern (Parish of Aberfoyle)
138.1 John McGregor (c1622-1680) of Dunaverig, Brachern & Callichra
138.2 Isobel Graham (c1635-c1696) Wife of John McGregor/Graham of Brachern

139.0 John McGregor/Graham (1646-1705) of Easter Corrie Arklet

140.0 Three Sons of John McGregor/Graham (c1646-1705) of Easter Corrie Arklet
140.1 Dougal Graham (1681-1695)
140.2 David Graham (c1691-1711)
140.3 James Graham (c1694-1759) of Corrie Arklet

141.0 Gregor McGregor (c1648-c1710) of Comer & 3 Children
141.1 Mary McGregor (c1671-1745) in Comer married Rob Roy
141.2 Gregor/John McGregor/Graham (c1673-c1750) in Ruskanach
141.3 Dougal Graham (c1675-1720) in Comer

142.0 Alexander McGregor/Graham (1660-c1730) of Corrie Arklet, Corriechan & Brachern
142.1 Walter Graham (c1685-1754) of Brachern. Son of Alexander Graham of Brachern
142.2 John Graham (c1690-1732) Son of Alexander Graham of Brachern

143.0 Ewan McGregor (c1625-c1695) in Wester Frenich & 3 sons
143.1 Alexander McGregor (c1646-c1680) of Wester Frenich & Callichra
143.2 Dougal McGregor (c1650-c1700) of Easter Callichra
    143.2a Hugh Graham (c1670-c1710) of Easter Callichra. Son of Ewen
    143.2b Gregor Roy/John Graham (c1672-1716) of Callichra & Pullichro
143.3 Gregor/John Roy McGregor (c1660-1693) of Stuknaroy

144.0 Donald McGregor (c1628-c1690) & Two Sons
144.1 Dougal McGregor of Blair & Ballimoir (c1660-c1695)
    144.1a Dougal McGregor in Blair (c1610-1666 Uncle to Dougal above?
    144.1b Catherine Graham (c1670-1719) daughter Dougal McGregor of Ballimoir
    144.1c Malcolm Mcfarlane of Brachern (c1670-c1730) Catherine Graham’s husband
144.2 Donald McGregor in Ardowill & Craignavar (c1655-c1715)

145.0 Hugh McGregor (c1635-c1700) in Western Frenich & his son
145.1 Gregor McGregor (c1655-1720) of Clochvraik
    145.1b Janet Graham (c1685-c1750) daughter of Gregor McGregor of Clochvraik
    145.1a Elizabeth Graham (c1690-c1750) daughter of Gregor McGregor of Clochvraik

146.0 Rob Roy Connection
146.1 MCG3 Family Tree of Rob Roy
146.2 Rob Roy & wife Mary
146.3 Five Children of Rob Roy
146.4 Colonel Donald Glas Stewart McGregor (c1630-1686)

147.0 to 149.0 Reserved for Future

150.0 Introduction & Forrester family Origins
150.1 Forresters of Boquhan (from NAS)
150.2 Forresters of Culmore & Easter Polder
150.3 Map1 East Polder, Frew & Kilmore (Culmore)
150.4 Locations associated with Extended Graham family.
150.5 FOR9 Forrester, Graham & Innes tree

151.0 GGGGGGGP Robert Forrester (c1706-?) & Margaret Graham (1703-?)
151.1 Robert & John Forrester's Encounter with Bonnie Prince Charlie
151.2 Margaret Graham (1703-?)

152.0 Four Children of Robert Forrester (c1706-?) & Margaret Graham (1703-?)
152.1 Elizabeth Forrester (1730-?)
152.2 GGGGGGF John Forester (1732-1810)
152.3 Ann Forrester (1736-?)
152.4 William Forrester (1740-?)

153.0 GGGGGGP John Forrester (c1732-1810) & Helen Shaw (c1730-1811)
153.1 Ashentree or Frew?
153.2 Ashentree Farm (of John Forrester b1732 & Helen Shaw c1730)
153.3 GGGGGGM Helen Shaw (c1730-1811)
153.4 FOR7 Descendants of John Forrester & Helen Shaw
153.5 Map2 showing Frew, Ashentree & Polder

154.0 Ancestors of GGGGGGM Helen Shaw (c1730-1811)
154.1 GGGGGGGP Alexander Shaw (1698-c1771) & Helen McCulloch (1695-?)
154.2 James McCulloch (1671-?) & Christian Bennet (c1673-?)
154.3 George Downie (1696-?) & Margaret McCulloch (c1700-c1730)
154.4 GGGGGGGGP George Shaw (c1670-?) & Margaret Downie (1674-?)
    154.4a William Shaw (1704-?)
154.5 FOR6 Ancestors of Helen Shaw 1730-1811

155.0 Eleven Chn of GGGGGGP John Forrester (c1732-1810) & Helen Shaw (1730-1811)
155.1 William Forrester (1753-?)
155.2 Robert Forrester (1755-c1816)
155.3 Alexander Forrester (1758-?)
155.4 Margaret Forrester (1760-1831)
155.5 Helen Forrester (1763-c1824)
155.6 Elizabeth Forrester (1765-?)
155.7 GGGGGF John Forrester (1767-1839)
155.8 Jean Forrester (1769-1849)
155.9 Mary Forrester (1771-?)
155.10 Ann Forrester (1774-?)
155.11 Janet Forrester (1776-1815)

156.0 GGGGGP John Forrester (1767-1839) & Margaret Innes (1771-1842)
156.1 Norrieston Churchyard, Thornhill
156.2 Map3 West Frew, Ashentree, Norrieston, Spittalton, Kincardine & Kikmadock
156.3 Fords of Frew
156.4 The Doigs of Frew
156.5 Bridge of Frew Farm (Wester Frew)
156.6 FOR8 Descendants of John Forrester & Margaret Innes

157.0 Thirteen children of GGGGGP John Forrester (1767-1839) & Margaret Innes (1770-1842)
157.1 GGGGM Janet Forrester (1791-1841)
157.2 Helen Forrester (1793-1879)
    157.2a Helen Richardson (1827-1906)
    157.2b John Richardson (1825-?)
    157.2c Helen Forrester Richardson (c1854-1935)
157.3 John Forrester (1795-bef 1806)
157.4 Margaret Forrester (1797-?)
157.5 Ann Forrester (1799-1848)
157.6 James Forrester (1802-1858)
157.7 William Innes Forrester (1804-1866) 
    157.7a Move to Gilberton and Death of William
    157.7b Twelve Children of William Innes Forrester (1804-1866) & Deborah Bowman (1821-1887)
    157.7c John Forrester (1832-1879). Son of William Innes Forrester
    157.7d Mary Forrester (1864-?). Daughter of John Forrester b1832
157.8 John Forrester (1806-c1807)
157.9 Elizabeth Forrester (1806-?)
157.10 John Forrester (1808-c1865)
157.11 Jane (Jean) Forrester (1809-1886)
157.12 Alexander Forrester (1811-1861)
157.13 Isabella Forrester (1814-1896)
    157.13a Two Children of William Ure (1804–1885) & Isabella Forrester (1814-1896)
    157.13b John Ure (1848-1911)
    157.13c Margaret (Maggie) Ann Ure (1854–1932)

158.0-159.0 Reserved for Future Use

160.0 Ancestors of GGGGGGGM Margaret Graham (1703-?)
160.1 Map4 Rednock, Leitchtown, Blairhoyle
160.2 Gilbert Graham of Rednock (c1550-c1624)
160.3 Patrick Graham of Blairchoille (c1590-c1644) Son of Gilbert c1550
160.4 Gilbert Graham of Leitchtown (c1635-1704) & Janet Smith (c1639-?)
160.5 Patrick Graham (c1665-1732) & Margaret Napier (1663-1716)
160.6 Grahamstown, Leitchtown & Blairhoyle

161.0 Six Children of Patrick Graham (c1665-1732) & Margaret Napier (1663-1716)
161.1 James Graham (1695-1775) & Ann Leckie
161.2 William Graham (1696-?) Moved to Jamaica
161.3 John Graham (1700-?) Moved to Jamaica
161.4 GGGGGGGM Margaret Graham (1703-?)
161.5 GGGGGGGM Janet Graham (1709-1772)
161.6 Patrick Graham (1712-1780)

162.0 Ancestors of GGGGGGGM Margaret Napier (1663-1716)
162.1 William Napier of Culcreuch (c1635-1685) & Elizabeth Houston (c1638-c1670)
    162.1a William Napier (1665-?) Son of William Napier c1635
162.2 Robert Napier (1582-1652) & Anna Drummond (?-?)
162.3 John Napier (1550-1617) & Agnes Chisholm (?-?)
162.4 Culcreuch Castle
162.5 NAP1 Early Grahams & Napiers

163.0-164.0 Reserved for Future Use

165.0 Ancestors of GGGGGM Margaret Innes (1771-1842)
165.1 GGGGGGP James Innes (1740-1793) & Janet Macfarlane (1740-?)
165.2 Map5 Dunblane, Kildryde & surrounding hamlets
165.3 Dunblane
165.4 Dunblane & Bonnie Prince Charlie
165.5 FOR9 Forrester, Graham & Innes Family Tree

166.0 Nine Chn of GGGGGGP James Innes (1740-1793) & Janet McFarlane (1740-?)
166.1 Janet Innes (1767-?)
166.2 Isobel Innes (1769-?
166.3 GGGGGM Margaret Innes (1771-1842)
166.4 Colin Innes (1773-1773)
166.5 James Innes (1774-1792)
166.6 Peter (Patrick) Innes (1776-1842)
166.7 Ann Innes (1779-1860)
166.8 Robert Innes (1780-1839)
166.9 John Innes (1782-1860)

167.0 GGGGGGGP Colin Innes (1704-1772) & Janet Graham (1709-?)
167.1 Patrick McInnes (c1660-1738) & Janet Buchanan (c16764-c1738)
167.2 Milne of Kilbryde

168.0 Eight Children of GGGGGGGP Colin McInnes/Innes (1704-1772) & Janet Graham (1709-?)
168.1 Patrick or Peter Innes (1732-1775)
168.2 Margaret Innes (1738-?)
168.3 GGGGGGF James/John Innes (1740-1793)
168.4 Colin Innes (1743-c1750)
168.5 Janet Innes (1746-1812)
168.6 William Innes (1749-?)
168.7 Colin Innes (1751-?)
168.8 David Innes (1755-?)
169.0 Henry Campbell Bannerman (1836-1908) Prime Minister of U.K.
169.1 Mysterious McOran-Campbells
169.2 James McOran (1753-?) & Helen Forrester (1763-?)
169.3 Sir James Campbell of Stracathro (1790-1876) Son of Helen Forrester b1763
169.4 James Alexander Campbell (1825-1908); brother of PM Henry Campbell Bannerman
169.5 BAN1 Henry Bannerman Family Tree

170.0 Forresters of Culmore in detail 
170.1 Duncan Forrester of Culmore and Polder (c1540-c1599)
170.2 Walter Forrester of Culmore (c1570-c1650) & Giles Seaton (c1570-c1629)
170.3 James Forrester elder of Culmore (c1595-c1631) & Alison Seaton
170.4 MAP of Frew, Polder & Culmore
170.5 FOR1 Forresters of Culmore & Polder

171.0 Forresters of Culmore descended from James Forrester the Elder c1595
171.1 James Forrester the Younger of Culmore & Easter Polder c1623-c1685
171.2 David Forrester (c1660-1722) Writer of Culmore 1st Son of James c1623
171.3 Robert Forrester (c1665-c1720) 2nd son of James c1623
171.4 Margaret Forrester (c1681-1730 Daughter of David c1660
171.5 William Forrester of Frew (c1670-1734) Cousin of Margaret
171.6 Captain William Forrester of Culmore (1768-1823)
171.7 Judge John Young

172.0 Forresters of Polder descended from James Forrester the Elder c1623
172.1 Robert Forrester (c1625-1666) & Helen Moresone
172.2 James Forrester (c1645-c1720) of Easter Polder & Culmore
172.3 David Forrester of Easter Polder (c1648-c1690)
172.4 David Forrester Of Easter Polder (c1675-c1745) 1st Son of James c1645
172.5 James Forrester in Easter Polder (1701-1783)
172.6 David Forrester of Polder (1761-1833) son of James b1701 & Helen Neill
172.7 James Forrester of Easter Polder (1806-?)

173.0-174.0 Reserved for Future Use

Revised Oct 2024
175.0 Introduction
175.1 Linlithgow
175.2 Bo'ness or Borrowstouness
175.3 Map Showing Linlithgow and nearby Locations
175.4 CUN1 Cunningham & Johnston Family Trees

176.0 Ancestors of GGGM Agnes Cunningham (1835-1929)
176.1 GGGGP Andrew Cunningham (1813-1878) & Catherine Bennet (c1815-c1837)
176.2 Andrew Cunningham (1813-1878) & Margaret McIsaac (1821-c1907)

177.0 Three Children of Andrew Cunningham (1813-1878)
177.1 GGGM Agnes Cunningham (1835-1929)
177.2 William Cunningham (1844-1879)
177.3 Jane Cunningham (1857-?)

178.0 John Johnston 1836-1905 (Cousin of William Cunningham b1844)
178.1 Alexander Johnston (1811-1877) & Jean/Jane Mcisaac (1815-1891)
178.2 John Johnston (c1771-1845) & Elisabeth Hodge (1782-1811)
178.3 John McIsaac (c1780-?) & Jean Hodge (1782-?)
178.4 John Hodge (c1740-?) & Margaret Cairns (1744-?)

179.0 Four Adult Children of John McIsaac (c1780-?) & Jean Hodge (1782-?)
179.1 Jean/Jane McIsaac (1815-1891)
179.2 George McIsaac (1816-1894)
179.2a Nine Children of George McIsaac & Mary Allan
179.3 Margaret McIsaac (1821-1907)
179.4 James McIsaac (1823-1908)
179.4a Nine Children of James McIsaac & Janet McNeish
179.5 McIsaac & Cunningham Connections
179.6 CUN2 Cunningham & McIsaac Family Connections

180.0 GGGGGP William Cunningham (1783-1856) & Mary Johnston (1786-c1840)
180.1 Corbiehall, Bo'ness

181.0 Eight Chn of William Cunningham (1783-1856) & Mary Johnston (1786-c1840)
181.1 Christian Cunningham (1811-1882) & Alexander M. Snaddon
181.2 GGGGF Andrew Cunningham (1813-c1840) & two wives
181.3 Mary Cunningham (1815-1891) & William Salmond
181.4 Elisabeth Cunningham (1817-c1845) & Robert Erskine
181.5 Agnes Cunningham (1819-?)
181.6 William Cunningham (1821-1909)
181.7 Janet Cunningham (1825-1909) & David Gibson
181.8 John Cunningham (1829-?)

182.0 GGGGGGP Andrew Cunningham (c1755-?) & Elizabeth Mungal (1758-?)

183.0 Six Children of Andrew Cunningham (c1755-?) & Elizabeth Mungal (1758-?)
183.1 GGGGGF William Cunningham 1783-?
183.2 Elisabeth Cunningham (1788-1873) & Peter Burleigh
183.3 Five other children of Andrew Cunningham (c1755-?) & Elizabeth Mungal (1758-?)

184.0 GGGGGGP John Johnston (1763-?) & Christian Wilson (1758-?)
184.1 Six Children of John Johnston (1763-?) & Christian Wilson (1758-?)
184.2 Ancestors of GGGGGGP John Johnston (1763-?) & Christian Wilson (1758-?)

185.0 GGGM Agnes Cunningham (1835-1929)
185.1 GGGM Agnes Cunningham migrates to Australia
185.2 Steamship 'Undaunted'
185.3 Melbourne & GGGF Alexander Macfarlan
185.4 Birth of GGM Margaret Allan Macfarlane Cunningham
185.5 First Marriage: Frank Wakefield (1834-1869)
185.6 Second Marriage: Henry Joseph Jennings (1824-1909)
185.7 Henry Joseph Jennings (1824-1909) Agnes 2nd Husband
185.8 William Henry Jennings (1868-1946) Son of Henry Jennings

186.0 Eight Children of GGGM Agnes Cunningham (1835-1929) & three partners
186.1 GGM Margaret Allan MacFarlane Cunningham (1858-1926)
186.2 Clara Wakefield (1864-1893)
186.3 Jessie Wakefield (1866-1948)
      186.3a George Norman Apperley (1891-?)
186.4 Annie Wakefield (1868-1868)
186.5 Frank Christopher Wakefield (1869-1931)
      186.5a Frank Lewis Wakefield (1889-1963)
186.6 Thomas Jennings (1877-1932)
186.7 Emily Jennings (1878-1906)
186.8 Henry (Harry) Joseph Jennings (1880-1961)

187.0 GGM Margaret Allan Macfarlane Cunningham (1858-1926)
187.1 GGM Margaret Allan Macfarlane Cunningham (1858-1926) & Elijah Smith (1852-1925)
187.2 GGM Margaret & her father GGF Alexander Macfarlan (1825-1909)

188.0 Diagram of the Cunningham family Tree

189.0 Reserved For Future Use
190.0 GGM Janet Stewart (1845-1917) 
77.1 GGM Janet Stewart was Orphaned
77.2 GGM Janet Stewart (1845-1917) & Richard Vasey Brown (1828-1913)

78.0 GGGP James Stewart (1809-1855) & Margaret Muir (1809-1860)
78.1 Stewart Children are Orphaned

79.0 Six Children of GGGP James Stewart (1809-1855) & Margaret Muir (1809-1860)
79.1 Jane Stewart (c1836-?)
79.2 Elizabeth Stewart (1839-1927)
     79.2a James Stewart Caldwell (1781-1937) Son of James Caldwell & Elizabeth Stewart
79.3 Margaret Stewart (1842-1858)
79.4 John Stewart (1844-c1880)
79.5 GGM Janet Stewart (1845-1917)
79.6 Mary Stewart (1848–?)

80.0 Ancestors of GGGF James Stewart (1809-1855)
80.1 GGGGF John Stewart (1766-?) & Elizabeth Wilson (1767-1836)

81.0 Seven Children of GGGGF John Stewart (1766-?) & Elizabeth Wilson (1767-1836)
81.1 Robert Stewart (1792-1855)
    81.1a Elizabeth Stewart (1815-?) 1st daughter of Robert & Mart Stewart
81.2 Jean Stewart (1794-?)
81.3 Margaret Stewart (1797-?)
81.4 Elizabeth Stewart (1799-c1800)
81.5 Elizabeth Stewart (1801-?)
81.6 John Stewart (1806-1871)
81.7 GGGF James Stewart (1809-1855)

82.0 GGGGGP Robert Stewart (1737-?) & Jean Smith (1743-?)
82.1 GGGGGGP John Stewart (1707-?) & Mary Kerr (1713-?)
82.2 GGGGGGGP John Stewart (c1675-?) & Janet Miller (1679-?)
82.3 Hugh Kerr (1679-?) & Unknown wife
82.4 Ancestors of GGGGGM Jean Smith (1743-?)
82.5 Archibald Smith (c1714) & Margaret Cochran (1711-?)

83.0 GGGGGP James Wilson (?-?) & Mary Bankhead (1728-?)
83.1 Ancestors of GGGGGM Mary Bankhead (1728-?)
83.2 GGGGGGP Peter Bankhead (1681-?) & Jean Hutchison (?-?)
83.3 GGGGGGGP Hugh Bankhead (1683-1703) & Helen Stinson (1609-1717)

84.0 The Muir Family
84.1 Dalry, Ayrshire
84.2 United Presbyterian Church, Courthill St, Dalry aka The Dalry Burgher Church
84.3 The Weaving Industry

85.0 Ancestors of GGGM Margaret Muir (1809-1860)
85.0 GGGGP John Muir (1766-1858) & Jane (Jean) Aitken (1772-c1845)

86.0 Seven Children of GGGGP John Muir (1766-1858) & Jane (Jean) Aitken (1772-c1845)
86.1 James Muir (1794-1862)
86.2 Archibald Muir (1798-1867)
86.3 Ann Muir (1800-c1875)
86.4 Janet Muir (1804-c1885)
86.5 David Muir (1806-1891)
86.6 GGGM Margaret Muir (1809-1860)
86.7 John Muir (1812-1873)

87.0 GGGGGP David Muir (1724-?) & Jean Sirrat (1731-?)
87.1 GGGGGP James Aitken (1750-?) & Anne Cunningham (c1755-?)

88.0-90.0 Diagram of the Stewart family Tree

An Overview of the Whole Smith Tree showing direct relatives listed above